Sunday, August 7, 2016



Acne free skinPimples. Synonyms include “zits”, “whiteheads”, “blackheads”, “acne” or “blemishes”. But whatever you call them, they are unsightly looking lesions on your skin. The medical terminology referencing pimples is officially termed, “acne” or more specifically, “acne vulgaris”. In this discussion, we shall use the term “acne”.
Types of acne pimple
Acne is a common skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up the skin’s pores. If germs or bacteria get into the pores, the result can be swelling, redness, and pus.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the location of every acne lesion or group of lesions is an indication of what is happening regarding your general, inner health condition. Traditional Chinese Medicine explains why acne lesions emerge out from a particular section of your face. This makes your face a “reflection to your health”. Consider the following recommendations on the treatment of acne from the reflection of your inner health status:

(A) Upper Forehead
This section of the face is directly corresponding to your gastrointestinal or digestive system, with specific mention to the bladder and large intestine. These organs are generally responsible for removal of waste products via urine and stool, respectively. Acne popping up in this region of the face reflect 
Upper forehead acne breakouts problems breaking down food and poor digestion, so as a result, this causes a backup and buildup of toxins.
To remedy this problem from the perspective of your inner core health, try to include more foods containing antioxidants (fruits and vegetables) and drinking more water or green tea into your diet. In its simplest form, performing these two steps constitute a detoxification process. As a result, this will help reduce toxin level buildup in your body.

(B) Lower Forehead
This section of the face is associated with your mind and spirit. Therefore, acne lesions popping out from the lower forehead may reflect situations pertaining to poor blood circulation, clinical depression, stress, or irregular sleeping patterns (insomnia), just to mention a few examples.
Although easily said than done, try to find ways to reduce stress on your mind. Such activities include enjoy watching a good movie or television program, yoga, meditation, exercise, taking a long, hot bath before bed, or socialize with friends for the day. And of course, getting the proper amount of sleep per night, approximately eight (8) hours of quality “snooze” time.

(C) Eyebrows
This section of the face corresponds to the liver organ. Acne lesions erupting along the eyebrows reflect a diet high in fat content or excessive alcohol intake. To remedy this problem, try to consume healthier snacks and to reduce too much “happy hour” drinks.

(D) Ears
Acne lesions appearing on your ears indicate you need to pay attention to the kidney organs. Problems with the kidneys are usually caused by dehydration, or rather, not drinking enough water to flush out the toxins accumulated in the body. Too much salt and caffeine consumption in your diet also contributes to kidney problems. To remedy this problem of acne lesions on your ear(s), ensure to consume plenty of water throughout the day, and to reduce your sodium and caffeine intake. As a result of doing this, it will help purify your kidneys, and in turn, clear away the acne popping out on the ear.

(E) Nose
This section of the face is associated with the heart organ. If you have acne lesions showing up here, then they are caused by situations of high blood pressure and stress. To remedy this, get your blood pressure checked and monitored. If it is elevated, seek medical attention to help control and reduce the pressure. In order to “de-stress”, follow examples as outlined in section “B” under “Lower Forehead”. So, RELAX!
Pimple, zit, breakouts, whiteheads, blackheads, acne

(F) Right Cheek
This section of the face corresponds to the lung organ. Any respiratory illness or stress, allergies, or smoking are a few examples of acne lesions appearing on the surface of the right cheek. Thus, if you have acne lesions located here, then start taking care of your respiratory system by avoiding polluted air and avoiding any exposure to any allergens that may induce or trigger your allergy symptoms.

(G) Mouth and Center of Chin
Acne lesions appearing in these areas corresponds with your stomach and small intestines. This is usually a reflection of a diet consuming too much fast foods or being constipated. To help clear up the skin from acne, reduce eating fast foods and select fresh foods instead. This includes foods high in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and grains.

(H) Sides of Chin
Acne lesions located here are related to the reproductive organs and kidneys. Some form of hormonal imbalance and menstrual cycle dysfunction are involved and should be fully evaluated. To correct the kidney problems, follow examples as outlined in section “D” under “Ears”.

In summary, “You are what you eat”. Your skin is a reflection of your health status from the core or inside. So the next time you notice an acne lesion that has erupted on your face, identify its location, and treat the underlying cause for a more resolving, clearer skin.

Written By : Dr. Steven Wong MD 


Healthy skin

Healthy skin

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Monday, February 1, 2016

Common Misconceptions About Skin Types

The treatment of ethnic skin is not always distinct as “black” and “white”. The differences in skin are multi-factorial including texture, tone, thickness, moisture, sensitivities, and melanin levels. As each of these factors contribute to exclusive responses to both environmental exposure and to the sun, they also create variation in reactions to skin treatments and products.

In the effort to scientifically predict and minimize the various possible skin sensitivities and reactions based upon sun or ultraviolet light exposure with the person’s genetic make-up, Thomas B. Fitzpatrick, M.D., a dermatologist, developed in 1975, a classification which bears his name. The Fitzpatrick Scale is the skin color range used by skin care professionals around the world today. This standard scale places skin type into one of six categories, ranging from Skin Type I (very fair) to Skin Type VI (very dark).

Type 1-2       Type3     Type4- 5       Type 6


Even within this scale, there is a wide range of human skin color variation. For example, take any one ethnic group in consideration. There may be different skin types, as well as multiracial and mixed-race individuals. Since “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, the aesthetic goals will vary based on the individual’s ethnic and cultural value. Case-in-point, many Caucasian patients seek a natural tan or bronze skin color and enjoy sporting this look, whereas Asian patients, prefer skin-whitening treatments.

The characteristic difference in skin color is the amount of melanin which gives skin its color. Because ethnic skin contains higher levels of melanin, which enhances the absorption of the sun’s ultraviolet light rays, there is a misunderstanding that ethnic skin doesn’t burn. This is not true! Actually, ethnic skin, such as Fitzpatrick Skin Type IV to VI, can at times burn deeper than non-ethnic skin (i.e. Caucasian skin). So as a result, highly pigmented skin can suffer just as well as lighter skin tones, from an array of conditions such as blisters, rashes, and hyperpigmentation, just to mention a few examples.

When it comes to ethnic skin, uneven skin tones and hyperpigmentation are among the primary concern. There are many causes to these uneven skin tones and hyperpigmentation, some due to environmental sun exposure or skin care products. Others, can be hormone levels and lifestyle factors. Many spa patients with ethnic skin silently fear that a skin procedure or treatment will lead to pigment changes, either lightening or darkening the skin. Their fear is justified from past skin reaction experiences, such as, acne outbreaks, insect bites, and routine shaving facial hair. Afterwards, there is a residual mark remaining on the skin, either darkened or lightened. Usually, these skin markings are temporary and are self-limited to resolve over time, but to the person who has this situation, the skin appearance is cosmetically unacceptable and this can lead to dissatisfaction or unnecessary stress.


Another common concern for people with ethnic skin are dark patches and spots. These develop when skin areas are traumatized, scarred, scratched, or scratched. On Caucasian skin, trauma to skin will appear as a bruise. On ethnic skin, trauma to skin will appear as a bruise as well, but also remain darker in the affected area for a longer duration of time. Other less common concerns affecting ethnic skin include extreme oil production (acne), vitiligo, a disease causing loss of pigmentation in patches of skin, and keloid scarring. Keloid formation occurs in ethnic skin more frequently than in non-ethnic skin due to the higher content of collagen in ethnic skin.

Regardless of skin type and color, baseline skin condition assessment is required. This includes sensitivity and reaction, inflammation, rosacea, uneven tone, texture, sun damage, pore size, acne, wrinkles, and moisture content or dryness. Most, if not all, of these skin conditions are present in any color of skin. But, ethnic skin with darker skin tones are frequently affected more than other skin types. This is why the treatment of ethnic skin can be a challenging experience. The goal is to avoid the most reaction of inflammation to the skin. The more trauma to the skin, the more inflammation is produced, and therefore, the higher the probability of pigmentation changes.

To properly treat the skin in order to reduce inflammatory pigmentation changes, a consultation by a skin care professional should be performed prior to all treatments. Basic questions such as allergies, medications, and personal medical history are important. Just as important are family history inquiries that may genetically predispose the individual to similar conditions, such as to vitiligo and keloid formation.         

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Although there are many different skin conditions, there are just as many techniques and approach options to correct and treat them. The consultation process allows the skin care professional to get to know the individual’s surrounding circumstances that is causing the skin
condition, such as sun exposure, stress levels, environment, lifestyle, genetics, ethnic group, and medications. The individual patient should, in addition, address with the skin care professional, their skincare goals and concerns. All these factors are just as important as skin type and color, alone. 

For example, the ethnic skin types of African-Americans, Asians, Indians, Middle Easterners, Latinos, and others, can all be treated equally well with a combination of first-line ingredients in products, state-of-the-art lasers and equipment, and trained, experienced professional skin care staff, including physicians, aestheticians, and skin care therapists.

 At LAVISH LASER Medical Spa, we are committed to excellence of your personalized skin care needs and education. Allow our professional aestheticians and licensed skin care therapists assist in helping you obtain a clear complexion, reduce the signs of aging, and achieve overall radiance and beauty. The experienced staff at LAVISH LASER Medical Spa are knowledgeable in treating skin of all colors and Fitzpatrick skin types. This is your opportunity for professional and comprehensive treatments in achieving your skin care needs and desires. Everyone can now have optimal skin beauty at LAVISH LASER.

Article written by, Dr. Steven Wong MD (Shades Of Beauty/Ethnic Skin) 
Lavish Laser 
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New York NY 10018